Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rome 4

March 25, 2011

Diocletian- a strong-willed army leader and son of a slave, became an emperor
Constantine- a dashing young commander competing for power after the retirement of Diocletian
Eastern Empire- the best side of the empire, held more of a "city" type structure; where trading took place
Western Empire- soon became the middle of nowhere, not the "middle of everything" anymore, Rome, etc.
Edict of Milan- Costantine made it illegal to persecute Christians
Constantinople- The new capital of Eastern Rome, named after a city of Constantine
Huns- nomadic people from central Asia
Attila- New leader of the Huns, a short man with a flat nose and thin, graying beard
Leo I- First truly powerful pope of Rome

1.  What economic problems did the empire face in the third century?
Rome experienced inflation in their trade, products and silver.  They were trading with Asia, but Asia had no want in any of their "simple" products.

2. By the third century, how had Rome's army changed since the days of the republic?
Rome's army fought only for money.  They were not loyal and couldn't be trusted.  Usually the emperors tried to find only barbarions because they would fight for a lower amount.

3. A) What important religious change did Constantine bring about in the empire?
Constantine brought Christianity into the empire.
B) What political change did he bring about?
He split the empire into a Western and Eastern half because Rome was so large.  Also, he changed the capital to the eastern side being "Constantinople."

4. A) Why did Germanic tribes invade the empire in the 400's?
The Germanic tribes invaded the empire because they were easy to take over and were easy to "loot."
B) Why was the empire unable to drive the invaders out?
The empire was too weak and didn't have a large enough military.

5. A) List three reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor.

B) List three reasons why he might be considered a failure.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

Today in our western civ class, we reviewed everything about Rome, for out test tomorrow.  I learned that Christianity started out very similar to being a cult.  During the second mod we continued to study, but in small groups.

Monday, May 16, 2011

may 16, 2011

Today in our class we reviewed what we learned from the video on the early Roman Empire.  Coming down from Julius Caesar came Caesar Augustus, Tiberious, Caligula (the sun of Germanicas), and then Claudius.  We also were able to look at Jesus as a historical figure instead of just a biblical hero.  We were able to see how often, power can change a person's perspective on almost anything.  On Thursday we will have our test so that the people on the field trip today (to watch a Shakespeare play), can catch up to be where we are at now.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Roman Empire started w/ Julius Caesar
By year 14; Greece, Spain, Northern Africa, and Syria were all a part of Rome,
Rome ruled the entire surrounded of the Mediterranean sea except for a small part of land

Tiberius in Government:

3 brothers were killed by being dragged around, starvation and committing suicide

Jesus- outraged, turned tables, free'd doves at the temple.
arrested for political subversion - crucified (which took 3 hrs)

Roman perspective of crucifix: getting rid of a rebel-rouser, keeping peace within the roman empire
Followers perspective of crucifix: Jesus was now their hero, dieing for what he believed in

Crucifix: main reason was because of how Public it was, it was horribly painful and sent a warning message to any rebels

Caligula in Government at 25 years old: - Emperor

2 years into role, he led an army north to invade Britain
- ordered all soldiers to collect sea shells
- went to kill an animal for sacrifice to god's but killed a priest instead

Eventually he was killed by his own aids, whom thought he was mentally insane

Claudious - @ infancy was disfigured for the rest of his life
In year 41 AD, he was heir to "emporercy"

Claudius in government:

**Suddenly an Emperor after everyone made fun of him,
instead of being cold-hearted because everyone made fun of him, he was extremely modest
-Increased womens privileges
-Apologized to patrons

took rule in Britain

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011

Etruscans had written langauge 
Latins were first to live in roman area- had huge influence on language
Civilized along Tiber River

Once civilized; they had a king named Tarquin nicknamed (Tarquin the proud)
became a dictator and everyone hated him,
so the Romans soon realized how bad dictators could be so they came up with the 
Roman Republic.

Latifundia- huge estate or Villa
sold to wealthy people after wars, worked by slaves
produced oil/wine for exportation

gracchus brothers, served as tribunes:
Attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebians; both assassinated for their attempts

Julius Caesar was a roman general and statesman, and was son of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia
He was appointed dictator for ten years in 47 BC,
Had alliance with Pompey/Crassus known as the first triumvirate
Lasted until Crassus's death in 53 BC,
"Dictator in perpetuity" <- Dictator for life

Who- Julius Caesar
What- Stabbed by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus Junius Brutus, and many other senators
When- Ides of March, March 15, 44 BC
Where- Theater of Pompey
Why- The senate was afraid he was getting to powerful
His last words were "Et tu Brute?" "You too Brutus?"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rome 3

Proletariat- The poorest class of Rome, dangerous mob within the city
Gladiator- A person who fought other warriors or wild beasts as a form of public entertainment
Tribune- officials who spoke on behalf of the plebeians
Triumvirate- a political regime dominated by three powerful individuals
Civil War- a conflict between political groups

  1. How did victory in the Punic Wars change society?
    Farming was treated strictly as a business, previous farmers and now veterans sought city jobs, Rome brought back over thousands of pounds of silver, and homes were furnished with expensive goods.
  2. How did slavery undermine Roman society?
    Wealthy people bought the farms hiring slaves from the wars to work them.  Because of this, the original farmers were out of jobs and forced to move into the city.
  3. What reforms did the Gracchi try to make?
    They tried to equal out the citizens, by breaking down the larger estates and giving some of the land to the poor.
  4. How were military leaders able to gain political power in Rome?
  5. A) What tactics did Julius Caesar use in his rise to power?
    B) What groups supported Caesar?
    C) What groups opposed him?
  6. A) Why did Octavian and Mark Antony join forces?
    B) How did Rome come under the rule of one man?