Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rome 3

Proletariat- The poorest class of Rome, dangerous mob within the city
Gladiator- A person who fought other warriors or wild beasts as a form of public entertainment
Tribune- officials who spoke on behalf of the plebeians
Triumvirate- a political regime dominated by three powerful individuals
Civil War- a conflict between political groups

  1. How did victory in the Punic Wars change society?
    Farming was treated strictly as a business, previous farmers and now veterans sought city jobs, Rome brought back over thousands of pounds of silver, and homes were furnished with expensive goods.
  2. How did slavery undermine Roman society?
    Wealthy people bought the farms hiring slaves from the wars to work them.  Because of this, the original farmers were out of jobs and forced to move into the city.
  3. What reforms did the Gracchi try to make?
    They tried to equal out the citizens, by breaking down the larger estates and giving some of the land to the poor.
  4. How were military leaders able to gain political power in Rome?
  5. A) What tactics did Julius Caesar use in his rise to power?
    B) What groups supported Caesar?
    C) What groups opposed him?
  6. A) Why did Octavian and Mark Antony join forces?
    B) How did Rome come under the rule of one man?

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