Monday, March 21, 2011

march 21, 2011

Pericles- born into one of Athens's most elite families- Aristocratic origins
Started out as Aristocrat but ended up letting the people continue to rule their own government;
Came up with the idea of the Parthenon & was directly involved in the planning project

Began to plan a new adventure - Brought Athens not Glory, but the loss of their empire

Sparta was the only city state who matched Athens in power

The fatal flaw - You have a great person who does so many things but they have one flaw that they can't give up;

Huberous- excessive pride and arrogance

Parthenon- massive, beautiful building; with enormous statue of Athena in it
Cost over a billion in todays terms
It is the most glorious symbol of Athens
Statue of Athena was over 40 feet tall - taller than JC
Done as a labor of love

A bunch of friezes [ A narrow shallow little piece of marble; 2 1/2 inches thick in depth]
500 feet of these surrounding the statue- in the form of farmers, artisans, etc.
Glorifying the common people as well, democracy
Makes democracy come to life

Aspasia - a prostitute
Pericles treated her as a normal person
Thought to have written Pericles's speeches
She was not from Athens - Foreign born
Astonishing that she had so much to say, so much input; while the women of Athens were to be seen but not heard

Athenian population would gather twice a year to watch popular entertainment at their theatre- they invented drama/theatre.

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