Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7, 2011

Greek Science & Math advancements:
  1. who invented geometry? Euclid
  2. who figured out pie? Pythagorous
  3. Pythagorous created the pythagrean theory which does what?  Helps you find the circumference of a triangle
important*: Science has an explanation for everything, instead of saying "the God's made it that way"

Alexander the Great's youth:

  1. Alexanders mother convinced him that his father (the leader of Macedonia) was not really his father, but that his father was a Greek god
  2. Alexander tamed a wild horse when he was only 12, after he did finally tame it, he named it Bucephalus, and then named a city after it
  3. Taught by Aristotle
  4. Always treated the conquered lands nicely, known as one of the greatest generals, never lost a battle
  5. Died at age 33, bit by a mosquito and died from Malaria


  1. first example of what styled architecture?  Doric style
  2. How many pillars are on the inside/outside of the Parthenon?  46 inside, 19 outside
  3. Who designed the Parthenon?  Phideous

Greek Philosophers: 
  1. What is western philosophy? The thought and work of the western world and how it differs to the Eastern world
  2. What is playto's real name?  Aristocles
  • socrates: encouraged his students to examine their beleifs

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